Sunday, April 15, 2012

"Shame" (Michael Fassbender, Nicole Beharie) on DVD/Blu Ray THIS TUESDAY 4/17! - Cool Animated Stills!

Tumblr is responsible for the animated Gifs! I couldn't help it; I had to share. :) Anyways, please make sure you catch Steve McQueen's critically-acclaimed drama "Shame," which comes out this TUESDAY 4/17 on DVD/Blu-Ray!

This film is about a sex-addict (Fassbender) who is unable to have meaningful relationships. He genuinely likes Beharie's character so he can't consummate his relationship w her! Dark, gritty, incredibly-acted stuff guys! Beharie is amazing in it! See our review of it HERE.

Check out the pics and trailer below..

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed seeing her in this movie because I had only seen Sleepy Hollow (which I am a huge fan of) and was unfamiliar with her earlier work. She has a beautiful body to go with that gorgeous face! jamie7
